Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Brother-Captain Lucius' BA

I've been meaning to post this up for a while but now that I need to keep busy I figured it was a good idea to do so. I had a game arranged and lulz ensued when B-C Lucius asked for advice. The lads asked for a batrep but there was little point as it was over by the end of my turn 2 so we organised a rematch.


The camera lens got some glue on it somehow and I didn't realise it until after I'd take a few photos so some of them are pretty blurry. Like beer goggles blurry...

My list is already up. We were playing Annihilation/Spearhead.

Dave's list was:
Libby with Jump Pack, Shield, Blood Lance

3 Sang Priests, 2 with Jump Packs
Furioso with Extra Armour
Furioso with Extra Armour*

10 Assault Marines with 2 Meltas, Hammer
10 Assault Marines with 2 Meltas, Hammer
10 Assault Marines with 2 Meltas

Baal Predator with Flamestorm cannon

5 Devastators with 1 Lascannon, 3 Missiles
5 Devastators with 1 Lascannon, 3 Missiles

* It may have been a Furioso Librarian for all I know as it was painted blue. I'm not sure. It didn't do much, just acted a bit quare. Quare btw is how a person from the countryside in Ireland pronounces 'queer'. Its said just like you see it: the word square without the 's'. Now you can impress your friends with an impersonation. It works best in pubs...

My deployment from L to R:
Wolfblob, Rhino, Rune Priest's Rhino, Long Fangs top floor of ruin, Fangs bottom floor, Empty Lasback, GH Lasback, Rhino.

I was trying to cover my backfield and prevent him from landing any Deep Strikers there by denying him anywhere to place his stuff due to the danger of scattering off the board or onto my models or even simply  giving him no room to deploy his units when they emerge from Pods.

His deployment from my L to R:
Dev squad in crater, Dev squad in ruins with Priest, 2 Jump Pack assault squads with Priest each and Libby with one. He had 2 Furiosos, the Pod squad Deep Striking and the Baal Outflanking.

So as you can see from this and this I had deployed my ranged stuff far back in my corner and was going to rush my assault element into his army to buy more time for my guns to get to work. The lead Rhino smoked giving cover to the other one and allowing me to save its smoke for later while the Blob rushed forward. The Fangs and Razors opened up on the closer Dev squad and killed 3 causing a Morale test which they failed because the Sarge was dead.

His turn 1 he pushed his Assault squads forward to take out the Rhino with his Melta and then rush the occupants that emerge. Fine by me. He drops down both Furiosos and hides one behind terrain but allowing one of them to shoot at my Rhino on my right that had smoked. His fleeing Devs rally and move back to the central ruins.

Meltalol ensues. In a spate of poor rolling he manages to take two Storm Bolters off the Rhinos despite throwing a Blood Lance and 4 Meltas at the bait Rhino, a Lascannon and 3 Missiles and the Lance hitting the RP's Rhino and the Purple Furioso shooting a meltagun at my smoked backfield Rhino.

To top it all off he's out of assault range with his Jumpers.

Cue the before pic...

...My turn 2 after pic.
You can see the Claw Lord maneuvering toward the right-hand squad while Grey Hunters and an out-of-picture Hammer Lord move toward the Libby's squad.

The Furioso has an arm torn off by the Grey Hunters while the damaged Devs are finished off. The Hammer Lord with the Grey Hunters win their combat (note the missing Libby) as does the Claw Lord while both BA units stay to fight. Nice.

His turn 2 sees his Pod squad arrive to seperate my shooty half from my assault half while giving support to the blue Furioso that wants to tackle the Rune Priests Rhino. Eventuallly it gets taken out by the Devastators as more Meltalols occurs.

Rule issue - The Furioso fired at the Rhino and did no damage. The Pod squad too. The Dev squad popped it. We were wondering whether the Furioso could assault the disembarked unit as he had shot the Rhino but hadn't destroyed it. The rulebook makes no mention of destroying it though, merely that as long as you shoot the vehicle you can assault the former occupants. I've seen on some forums that you must destroy the vehicle when shooting at it in order to assault the squad that falls out of it. We said that he was free to assault them.

The Dread with one arm rushes at the Rhino on my right and does nothing while the other one rolls a 1 and a 2 to assault the unit. To make matters worse my Lords mow down his units in his turn's combat leaving them free to move towards his weaker ones.

In turn 3 the remaining bait Grey Hunters hop back into their Rhino and move toward the blue Furioso while the Rune Priest lines up Jaws.I hit 7 but only 1 dies while another falls over to pistol and Melta fire before they get charged and battered by the squad. All of this in front of the impotent Furioso - he's been immobilised by the bait squad and the other one has been battered to destruction by Missiles and Lascannons. The Hammer Lords and Wolves move to take on his remainng Dev squad while the Claw Lord goes toward the Drop Pod behind the shattered Monolith to stay near to the big combat.

The Baal Predator arrives on his turn 3 and takes out a Lasback and a Long Fang Sergeant. Long story short: this was all it did as it hockeyed by a pile of Missiles, Melta, Krak Grenades and a Lascannon for 2 turns. His squad falling back shoot a Marine dead.

They then get assaulted by the Claw Lord in my turn 4 while the Devs are charged by the Fenris Wolves who are still alive. That was a novelty. But the fun didn't stop there - they managed to win combat too! The Hammer Lord predictably ate his Sanguinary Priest while the Claw Lord did the same with the other 3 gobshites when he got there.

The last of his army was unable to put up a fight. Literally, as Pods can't. :) The Hammer Lord joined the Wolfie gangbang against the Devs and one of the Pods managed to survive a round of Krak Grenades.

We called it after that.

I have a few thoughts on Dave's army list and tactics but I'll post them later as its bed time.

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